Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), also known as lipocalin-2, is a member of the lipocalin family. NGAL was first discovered in the study of neutrophil gelatinase, which is not only present in neutrophils, but also in specific epithelial cells. When ischemic or toxic kidney injury occurs, renal tubular epithelial cells occur. The expression of NGAL increased in the first two hours, and both urine and blood NGAL levels were elevated within the first two hours, so NGAL is an early specific marker of acute kidney injury (AKI).
- Product name
- Catalog NO.
- Source
- Usage
- Platform
- Anti NGAL mAb ABNGAL04
- Catalog NO. ABNGAL04
- Source Mouse
- Usage Labeling
- Platform GICA, FIA, CLIA, Latex
- Anti NGAL mAb ABNGAL03
- Catalog NO. ABNGAL03
- Source Mouse
- Usage Coating
- Platform GICA, FIA, CLIA, Latex
- Anti NGAL mAb ABNGAL02
- Catalog NO. ABNGAL02
- Source Mouse
- Usage Labeling
- Platform GICA, FIA, CLIA, Latex
- Anti NGAL mAb ABNGAL01
- Catalog NO. ABNGAL01
- Source Mouse
- Usage Coating
- Platform GICA, FIA, CLIA, Latex
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