Helicobacter pylori is a spiral-shaped, flagellated microanaerobic bacterium that mainly lives in the pyloric mucosa of the human stomach. It is the only microbial species known to survive in the human stomach. Helicobacter pylori infection is closely related to the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases, such as chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastric cancer and other diseases.
- Product name
- Catalog NO.
- Source
- Usage
- Platform
- Anti Helicobacter pylori mAb ABHPYL04
- Catalog NO. ABHPYL04
- Source Mouse
- Usage Labeling
- Platform GICA, FIA, CLIA
- Anti Helicobacter pylori mAb ABHPYL03
- Catalog NO. ABHPYL03
- Source Mouse
- Usage Coating
- Platform GICA, FIA, CLIA
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