Renal function
Renal function refers to the function of the kidneys in excreting metabolic wastes in the body, maintaining the stability of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and calcium and acid-base balance in the body. Renal function tests include blood creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, blood and urine β2-microglobulin, urine albumin, urine immunoglobulin G and urine secretory immunoglobulin A.
- Product name
- Catalog NO.
- Source
- Usage
- Platform
- Anti NGAL mAb ABNGAL04
- Catalog NO. ABNGAL04
- Source Mouse
- Usage Labeling
- Platform GICA, FIA, CLIA, Latex
- Anti NGAL mAb ABNGAL03
- Catalog NO. ABNGAL03
- Source Mouse
- Usage Coating
- Platform GICA, FIA, CLIA, Latex
- Anti NGAL mAb ABNGAL02
- Catalog NO. ABNGAL02
- Source Mouse
- Usage Labeling
- Platform GICA, FIA, CLIA, Latex
- Anti NGAL mAb ABNGAL01
- Catalog NO. ABNGAL01
- Source Mouse
- Usage Coating
- Platform GICA, FIA, CLIA, Latex
- Anti Cystatin C mAb ABCYSC01
- Catalog NO. ABCYSC01
- Source Mouse
- Usage Coating
- Platform GICA, FIA, CLIA
- Anti Cystatin C mAb ABCYSC02
- Catalog NO. ABCYSC02
- Source Mouse
- Usage Labeling
- Platform GICA, FIA, CLIA
Shenzhen AIVD Biotechnology Co. , LTD.
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