Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and is mainly transmitted by blood/body fluids. Due to various factors such as the biological characteristics of the virus and host immune function, it is often difficult for the body's immunity to effectively clear the virus, resulting in approximately 50% to 80% of HCV-infected patients developing chronic hepatitis, of which 20% to 30% will develop cirrhosis.
- Product name
- Catalog NO.
- Source
- Usage
- Platform
- Anti HCV Core mAb-HRP HRHCVC01
- Catalog NO. HRHCVC01
- Source Mouse
- Usage Labeling
- Platform ELISA
- Anti HCV Core mAb ABHCVC02
- Catalog NO. ABHCVC02
- Source Mouse
- Usage Labeling
- Platform CLIA, ELISA
- Anti HCV Core mAb ABHCVC01
- Catalog NO. ABHCVC01
- Source Mouse
- Usage Coating
- Platform CLIA, ELISA
- Catalog NO. SA01H
- Source /
- Usage Labeling
- Platform CLIA, ELISA
- HCV Recombinant Protein-BIO BIHCVF01
- Catalog NO. BIHCVF01
- Source E.coli
- Usage Labeling
- Platform CLIA, ELISA
- HCV Recombinant Protein AGHCVF01
- Catalog NO. AGHCVF01
- Source E.coli
- Usage Coating
- Platform CLIA, ELISA
Shenzhen AIVD Biotechnology Co. , LTD.
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