



Enzymes are proteins or RNAs produced by living cells that are highly specific and catalytically efficient for their substrates. The catalysis of enzymes depends on the integrity of the primary structure and spatial structure of the enzyme molecule. If the enzyme molecule is denatured or subunit depolymerization can lead to the loss of enzyme activity. Enzymes are biological macromolecules with a molecular mass of at least 10,000 or more, and the largest can reach one million.





Product Name Catalog NO. Product Description
Taq DNA Polmerase(5U/ul) EN001 Taq DNA polymerase
CH-HS Taq DNA Polmerase(5U/ul) EN002 Chemically Modified Hot Start Enzymes
AB-HS Taq DNA Polmerase(5U/ul) EN003 Antibody-modified hot start enzyme
TTH DNA Polmerase(5U/ul) EN004 TTH DNA polymerase
CH-HS TTH DNA Polmerase(5U/ul) EN005 Chemically modified TTH DNA hot start enzyme
M-MLV(200U/ul) EN006 Reverse transcriptase
hUDG(1U/ul) EN007 Thermoactive UDG enzymes
Rnase Inbibitor(40U/ul) EN008 RNAase inhibitors
AB-HS TRA Taq DNA Polmerase(5U/ul) EN009 Antibody-modified genetic modification hot start Taqase
HS AI Taq DNA poly(5U/ul) EN014 Chemically modified hot start anti-interference Taqase
HS RAP Taq DNA poly(5U/ul) EN016 Chemically Modified Hot Start Fast Amplification Taqase
Taq DNA Polymerase antibody AT001 Taq DNA Polymerase Antibodies
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Shenzhen AIVD Biotechnology Co. , LTD.

A4 Building 4th Floor / B5 Building C501, China Merchants Bright Technology Park, Fenghuang Street, Guangming District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China

E-mail: market@aivdbiotech.com  

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