Calibrators, also known as calibration substances, are reference substances that are used as independent variable values in a calibration function. The in vitro diagnostic reagent testing system includes testing instruments, testing methods and calibrators, which are complementary to each other and indispensable. Calibrators play a role in detecting and monitoring the accuracy and consistency of test results in in vitro diagnostic clinical testing.
- Product name
- Catalog NO.
- Source
- Usage
- Platform
- CTNI Recombinant Protein AGCTNI01
- Catalog NO. AGCTNI01
- Source E.coli
- Usage Calibrators
- Platform Calibrators
Shenzhen AIVD Biotechnology Co. , LTD.
A4 Building 4th Floor / B5 Building C501, China Merchants Bright Technology Park, Fenghuang Street, Guangming District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
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